Statement of Faith

A.             The Word of God

We believe that the Holy Bible is God’s Word. The Bible remains without any errors and is inspired by Him (2 Timothy 3:16,17). The Bible was written so people follow it (2 Peter 1:21). We believe that the Holy Bible is God’s Word. Hence in our faith and life the foundation is the Holy Bible (Matthew 5:18, Isaiah 40:8).

B.              The God

We believe that God is one (Deuteronomy 6:4; Exodus 20:3; John 10:30; 17:21,22). He is true and real. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth (Isaiah 42:5, Colossians 1:16). He is holy, He is love and He is just. Therefore, He deserves all the respect, faith, and love. Through God the three exists, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 3:16,17; 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14). All three are equal in respect and power (Ephesians 2:13-18; Hebrews 1:14).

C.     Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ came to this world as God’s own son. He was, is, and will be forever (Revelation 1:8; Hebrew 13:8, John 1:1). God sent His son at the right time (Galatians 4:4). By the power of the Holy Spirit he was born virgin Mary’s womb (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25). He is God (Colossians 2:9) He was formed as a human being and was a testament of the Father (John 1:14; 1 Timothy 1:16; John 10:30). Jesus Christ during his time on earth lived a sinless life (2 Corinthians 5:21). Through His death he saved the entire world from sin and gave His life for sinners (1 John 2:2; Hebrew 4:14, 15). He died for the sake of mankind (Hebrew 10:10,12,14; John 10:11,15,17,18; 1 Peter 2:24). After His death, He conquered death by rising on the third day from the grave (1 Corinthians 15:3,4). He showed himself to His disciples and after forty days went back to heaven (Acts 1:9-11). He is now in Heaven and shows His grace for His own people (Hebrew 7:25; Romans 8:34). 

D.             Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit who is God has personality and qualities of God (Acts 5:3,4; Hebrews 9:14; 1 Corinthians 20:10; 12:11). He is equal to God the Father and God the Son and He has the very nature. He gives consciousness of sin, righteousness, and judgment to the believers (John 16:7-11). And He baptizes the believers in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13).  He seals them (Ephesians 1:3; 4:30) and lives in their hearts (1 Corinthians 6:19; John 14:16, 17-26). People who are in the Holy spirit, he guides, disciplines and teaches them about righteousness (Acts 8:29,39; 10:19,20; 13:2-4).

E.              Salvation

We believe God sent His own son to this world so that we might be saved (John 3:16-18). He took our sins and went on the cross in place of our sins (Isaiah 53:4-6l 1 Peter 2:24) and made a way for us. Good deeds and religious commitment does not pave the way to heaven. Salvation is a grace of God (Ephesians 2:8,9). Only through believing in Jesus Christ we will be saved (Acts 3:19; Galatians 2:16). A person who accepts God’s gift of eternal life has a home in heaven (Acts 20:20,21; 13:38,39; John 3:36).

F.              The Church

A church is a group of people who after receiving salvation, are baptized (Acts 2:41, 42). These believers gather together regularly for worshiping, teaching of the Word of God, two ordinances and serving God (Hebrews 10:25; 1 Corinthians 11:23-34; 14:23-40). According to the Holy Bible, local church leaders are Pastor(s) and Deacons. In the book of Timothy and Titus, their qualities, rights a services are mentioned clearly (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). It started from the time of Pentecost. From that day to this very day Christ is increasing His church body continuously (Acts 1:4,5; 2:1-21,46,47; 1 Corinthians 12:12,13). The day when Christ will come to earth to take the believers in heaven that day His church will be perfect.